
My mom took pictures when my brother and I were growing up. You know, she was the one – is the one – with the camera at every event. I remember the developing equipment sitting around when I was little – I’m not sure when she stopped using it, but her camera (always Canon, well, except for the Sony experiment) was always there and I’m glad it was.

Pictures are not simply moments captured in time – they are experiences – and they can often be art. And for some people, something about the light makes you want to capture whatever you are seeing – something in a sunset can almost bring these people to tears.

I’m one of them.

I take pictures to relax. I’m not a photographer – I can hardly use my camera (yes, a Canon, always). I’m a button pusher that likes trying to make pictures into whatever I saw. Yes filters, you are safe here. I’m not interested in reducing life to two dimensions. A good photo should evoke whatever I saw that made me push the button in the first place and it is rare that is limited to the visual. That is about feel, smell, and sound. That has a lot to do with the way the light shines off the wet pavement or the mist hangs in the air.

That’s what these pictures are, or what I hope they are. My attempt to present what I think is the best of my quirky town or of the places I love. I hope they make you want to visit.

Thanks for taking a look.
